COMPASS – Community-Led Monitoring (CLM)

COMPASS – Community-Led Monitoring (CLM)


Project Funded by: AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC)

Implementing Partners: NACOPHA, BMF, National Network of WLHIV, SIKIKA, TaNPUD, KVPF, CENTRE, and DARE.


About the Project:

The Coalition to build Momentum, Power, Activism, Strategy & Solidarity (COMPASS) supported community-led monitoring (CLM) is a project funded by the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC), an international non-profit community- and consumer-based organization working to accelerate ethical development and delivery of AIDS vaccines and other HIV prevention options worldwide. With AVAC’s support, NACOPHA implemented a twelve-month campaign to address the ineffective coordination of CLM implementation in Tanzania.


Campaign Objectives:

  1. To influence government recognition and implementation of CLM as a potential intervention to improve the quality of HIV services in Tanzania.
  2. To mobilize Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Tanzania to have a common agreed-upon vision for CLM implementation.
  3. To promote meaningful utilization of community data from CLM in planning, budgeting, and monitoring of HIV services.



– Participation in the NMSF V development and validation meetings, influencing the inclusion of community engagement and CLM as key strategies for the implementation and monitoring of NMSF V.

– CLM has become an integral part of Tanzania’s 5-year Health Sector HIV Strategic Plan V. It is recognized as an official intervention within NMSF V, supporting service delivery reviews and quality improvement by incorporating service users’ experiences.

– CSOs have met and jointly developed a national coordination platform with a defined structure.

– Critical gaps identified by CLM in 38 councils were shared with respective district councils, NACP, TACAIDS, and PORALG for remediation.

– Community priorities were identified and incorporated into PEPFAR COP22, UN, and Global Fund processes.

– People Living with HIV (PLHIV) are now part of the National DSD (Differentiated Service Delivery) advisory team under the Ministry of Health for quality improvement of HIV services.

– The strong participation of KVP-led organizations and NACOPHA provided evidence and influenced the inclusion of beneficiary-led approaches into the HSHSP V (Health Sector HIV Strategic Plan V) document.


Project Partners during one of the CLM Coordination meetings:

The project brings together various partners, including:

– NACOPHA (National Council of People Living with HIV in Tanzania)

– BMF (Benki ya Maendeleo ya Wanawake Fund)

– National Network of WLHIV (Women Living with HIV)


– TaNPUD (Tanzania Network of People Who Use Drugs)

– KVPF (Kilimanjaro Voluntary Poverty Fighters)

– CENTRE (Centre for Counselling, Nutrition, and Health Care)

– DARE (Drug Abuse Relief Education)