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About Us

Who We Are

The National Council of People Living with HIV (NACOPHA) is a pivotal organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with HIV in Tanzania. Our mission is to advocate for the rights and well-being of individuals affected by HIV, ensuring they have access to necessary resources, support, and opportunities for a better quality of life.

The structure of NACOPHA extends from the General Assembly and governing Board to the Secretariat staff and the district and ward PLHIV clusters. Currently, NACOPHA has 640,483 registered PLHIV members (406,838 women and 233,645 men), which constitutes approximately 43% of the total PLHIV population in Tanzania.

NACOPHA has earned the attention from various government ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs), the Parliament, and key international development partners such as PEPFAR/USAID, the Global Fund, and UN agencies. Additionally, numerous other organizations and private companies, both local and international, collaborate with NACOPHA as a key partner in the HIV response. NACOPHA employs a bottom-up approach to engage policy and development actors, partners, and collaborators at various levels.


To enhance the quality of life for people living with HIV in Tanzania through advocacy, empowerment, and sustainable development initiatives.

our Vision

A Tanzania where people living with HIV lead healthy, productive, and dignified lives free from stigma and discrimination.

our Values

Our core values are the foundation of everything we do. These guiding principles reflect our commitment to empowering individuals, maintaining integrity, fostering inclusivity, practicing compassion, and encouraging collaboration. They drive our actions, shape our programs, and inspire our mission to support and advocate for people living with HIV in Tanzania.


We believe in empowering individuals and communities to take charge of their health and well-being.


We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that embraces diversity and promote equality.


We operate with the highest level of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our actions.


We work collaboratively with stakeholders, partners, and communities to achieve our goals.


We strive for innovative solutions to improve the lives of people living with HIV.


We are dedicated to providing compassionate care and support to those affected by HIV, recognizing the importance of empathy and understanding.

Our History

Founded in 2003, NACOPHA has grown from a small group of dedicated advocates into a national organization recognized for its impactful work in the HIV response. Over the years, we have implemented numerous programs and projects aimed at addressing the challenges faced by people living with HIV, including healthcare access, stigma reduction, and economic empowerment.

Our Structure

NACOPHA operates through a well-defined organizational structure that includes various departments and units working synergistically to achieve our mission. Our structure ensures effective governance, strategic planning, and operational efficiency

Our Work

At NACOPHA, we are committed to creating a supportive environment for people living with HIV through:

  • Advocacy: Championing the rights of people living with HIV and influencing policy changes to improve their lives.
  • Community-Led Monitoring (CLM): Engaging communities in monitoring and evaluating the quality of HIV services to ensure accountability and improvement.
  • Empowerment Programs: Providing training, resources, and support to empower individuals and groups to lead self-sufficient lives.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with local and international organizations to amplify our impact and reach.

our Goals

  • Enhancing Accessibility: Increase access to high-quality health services for people living with HIV.
  • Empowering Individuals: Educate and empower individuals to advocate for their health and rights.
  • Strengthening Community Systems: Build strong community networks that support the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV.
  • Influencing Policy: Advocate for HIV policies that are inclusive, evidence-based, and uphold the rights of people living with HIV.

our impact

  • NACOPHA’s work has led to significant improvements in the lives of those affected by HIV. We have:

    • Facilitated access to antiretroviral therapy for over 100,000 individuals.
    • Conducted over 500 workshops and seminars, reaching more than 50,000 youth with HIV prevention and treatment information.
    • Established 300+ support groups providing peer counseling and assistance.
    • Influenced the enactment of three national policies enhancing the rights and healthcare of people living with HIV.

Programs and Initiatives

Our diverse programs address the unique challenges faced by individuals living with HIV:

    • Community Health Empowerment: Strengthening local health systems and increasing community engagement.
    • Youth Awareness and Education: Educating young people about HIV prevention and treatment.
    • Women’s Health and Rights: Improving health outcomes for women living with HIV.
    • Economic Empowerment: Providing vocational training and financial literacy courses.
    • Policy and Advocacy: Influencing HIV policies at local and national levels.

Join us in the fight against HIV.