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Our structure

Board Members

Guiding the Vision

Our Board of Directors comprises experienced professionals and advocates who provide strategic direction and oversight. The board is responsible for governance, ensuring that NACOPHA’s activities align with our mission and values. Key responsibilities include:

  • Strategic Planning: Setting long-term goals and strategies.
  • Oversight: Monitoring and evaluating the organization’s performance.
  • Policy Development: Establishing policies that guide NACOPHA’s operations.

Mrs. Leticia Maurice Kapella

Board Chairperson.

Ptr. Emmanuel Msigwa

DeputyBoard Chairperson

Mr. Deogratius Rutatwa

Chief Executive Officer.

Ms. Jocelyn Mtono

Chairperson NNW+

Ms. Pudensiana Mbwiliza

Youth Chairperson.

Mr. Elias Kisena

Board Member

Mr. Romward Nkororo

Board Member

Mr. Moses Haonga

Board Member


Board Member

Amiri Mchangi

Board Member

Mrs.Tryphosa Chunda

Board Member.

Mr.Kennedy Stolla

Board Member

Executive Team

Leading the Charge

The Executive Team, led by the Executive Director, manages the day-to-day operations of NACOPHA. This team is responsible for implementing the strategies and policies set by the Board of Directors. Key roles include:

  • Executive Director: Provides overall leadership and management.
  • Program Directors: Oversee various programs and initiatives.
  • Finance Director: Manages financial planning and reporting.
  • Operations Director: Ensures efficient administrative operations.

Program Teams

Driving Our Initiatives

Our Program Teams are at the heart of NACOPHA’s work. Each team focuses on a specific area of our mission, working directly with communities to deliver our programs and services. These teams include:

  • Community Health Empowerment Team: Focuses on strengthening local health systems and community engagement.
  • Youth Awareness and Education Team: Aims to reduce HIV infection rates among young people through education.
  • Women’s Health and Rights Team: Advocates for and supports the health needs of women living with HIV.
  • Economic Empowerment Team: Provides vocational training and financial literacy programs.
  • Policy and Advocacy Team: Works to influence national and local policies.

Regional Offices

Extending Our Reach

NACOPHA’s Regional Offices ensure that our programs and services reach all corners of Tanzania. These offices implement our initiatives at the local level, working closely with communities to address their specific needs. Each regional office is led by a Regional Coordinator who oversees local activities and ensures alignment with NACOPHA’s overall strategy.

Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Units

Ensuring Quality and Accountability

Our CLM Units involve community members in monitoring the quality and accessibility of HIV/AIDS services. These units collect data, engage with service providers, and advocate for improvements. Key functions include:

  • Data Collection: Gathering information on service delivery and patient experiences.
  • Community Feedback: Providing actionable insights to healthcare providers.
  • Advocacy: Using data to advocate for better services and policies.

Get Involved

Make a Difference with NACOPHA

Your support helps us achieve our goals. Whether you volunteer your time, donate resources, or partner with us, your involvement makes a significant impact in the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania.

Let's work together to provide support to those in need.

  • Join us in the fight againt HIV.
  • Let’s work together to provide support for those in need.
  • Donate to our cause